Ideabar was recently named one of Florida’s Best Companies To Work For.
The annual Best Companies To Work For In Florida list is featured in the August issue of Florida Trend magazine. One hundred companies are ranked in small, medium and large employer categories. Ideabar was recognized in the small company category of firms employing 50 or fewer.
“We are thrilled, and humbled, by this honor,” says Amy Royster, Ideabar’s founder and managing director.
The recognition reflects Ideabar’s commitment to its guiding principles, Royster says. They are:
- Be kind and direct.
- More talent, less ego.
- Default to yes.
- Keep the idea moving.
- Live + Work + Play
This year, Florida Trend focused on how the Best Companies to Work For responded to the impact of the coronavirus, says Mark Howard, the magazine’s executive editor. “The companies we report on found creative ways to keep their businesses going while supporting their employees and continuing to serve their customers.”
Ideabar has worked remotely since mid-March, with employees from Atlanta to Orlando to the Palm Beaches collaborating virtually.
“It has challenged us as an agency,” Royster says. “But we have maintained our winning culture with weekly all-agency Zoom meetings, virtual happy hours and more frequent sharing of agency news internally.”
To participate in Best Companies to Work For in Florida, firms had to employ at least 15 workers in Florida and have been in operation at least one year. Companies that chose to participate underwent an evaluation of their workplace policies, practices, philosophy, systems and demographics.
The process also included a survey to measure employee satisfaction. The combined scores determined the top companies and the final ranking.